HgInit: Setting up for a Team for Mecurial

via hginit.com Good docs in real English about using mecurial dvcs. Getting my head around it all for our upcoming move from subversion to mecurial Posted via email from solution revolution

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Using xAuth, an alternate OAuth from Twitter

via reynoldsftw.com xAuth - I am building something very similar to this at the moment, however I am still using most of the benefits of oAuth as well. So an extension of rather than a replacement of oAuth oAuth is an interesting subject and I'm learning something new every day about it. Not simple to implement as a service provider but a great way to authorise and authenticate web services. Posted via email from solution...

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Dark Pastel Visual Studio Theme

via servicestack.net It's time for a change of visual studio theme. A little bit of vibrant ink but with some pastel goodness. Posted via email from solution revolution

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An open source alternative to the redgate sql compare suite of tools

via opendbiff.codeplex.comI used to use redgate's awesome collection of sql server schema and data comparison tools back in the day and tonight I was looking for an open source version of those commercial tools for a friend to try out so he could compare and sync databases between localhost and a database sat on appharbor. I came across this which looks pretty good. Not sure if it will sync data as well but its worth...

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Migrate to ASP.NET MVC 3 by leveraging your ASP.NET Web Forms skills

via rachelappel.com Posted via email from solution revolution

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